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The Enrolment Process

Aotea College enrolments are controlled by an enrolment scheme which helps us to manage the growth of the school.  This means that students who live in our zone are guaranteed acceptance if they choose to enrol with us.  An electronic copy of our Prospectus is available here.

Aotea College Home Zone

All of the northern ward of Porirua City, boundary (encompassing Pauatahanui, up to the summit of Paekakariki Hill Road and Paremata and Haywards Road (SH58) to Mount Cecil Road).  This includes the neighbourhoods of Aotea, Ascot Park, Camborne, Mana, Papakowhai, Paremata, Pauatahanui, Plimmerton, Pukerua Bay and Whitby.

The Ascot Park area of the eastern ward with the eastern boundary following the Kenepuru Stream south from the point of intersection with the northern ward to where it meets with SH1 and runs into Porirua Harbour (Mepham Place is not in zone).


List of Street Names

Public Notice – Enrolments 2026

Applying to enrol

Enrolments can be done online by clicking on the enrolment button below or your can download the form below and bring it into the office or email it to the enrolments officer on

Online Enrolment Form
  1. Completed enrolment application form.  Enrolment application form.  If your child was born outside of New Zealand, please complete the Enrolment appendix form as well as the Enrolment application form.
  2. A copy of your child’s birth certificate if born in New Zealand or Australia.  If born outside of New Zealand a copy of your child’s birth certificate and passport with relevant visa or citizenship certificate.
  3. Current dated proof of your address, please provide one of the following documents, a rates, power (pages 1 and 2), landline phone or landline internet bill in the parents name.

If there are any custodial issues with your child, please discuss them with the enrollment officer for any additional documents we require.

Enrolment officer can be contacted on

Priority for enrolment

Priority for enrolment at Aotea College is specified under the Education and Training Act.  Students are accepted in the following order of priority.

In zone students have automatic right of enrolment.

Out of zone enrolments are subject to a ballot and students are accepted in the following order of priority

  1. Students enrolled in a special programme run by the college.
  2. Students who have siblings currently at the college.
  3. Sibling of a former student at the college.
  4. Student who is a child of a former student.
  5. Child of an employee or a child of a Board member.
  6. All other applicants.

If you have any questions, please contact our enrolments officer Debbie on

Open Evening

Our open evening for students enrolling for 2026 will be held on Thursday 12th June.  We will be holding 2 sessions – 3.30 to 5.00 pm and 5.30 to 7.00 pm. 

Year 9 Enrolments

Enrolment applications for 2025 are now open.  Enrolment interviews will commence in Term 3 at a date to be advised.

All out of zone enrolment applications for Year 9 2025 students must be received at Aotea College by Monday 24th July 2024 to be included in the ballot.  

A ballot will be held on Monday 29th July 2024.  All applicants will be notified of the outcome by Thursday 1st August 2024.   

Please note that if your out of zone application is received after the closing date, it cannot be included in the ballot.  Your application would then be added to the waiting list.

Year 10-13 Enrolments

In zone enrolment applications for 2025 are now open.  Enrolment interviews will commence in Term 3 at a date to be advised.

There are no out of zone spaces available for Year 10-13 students for 2025, we are therefore unable to accept any out of zone enrolment applications.